Want to join us?

The Finnish-Indian Society has about 250 members. It arranges various activities related to India and Indian culture, including seminars, lectures, courses and cultural events. Information on these can be found in the newsletter society members get approximately four times a year. The newsletter also contains tips about events, news and other interesting things related to India.

The society’s membership fee for an individual is 20 euros/year and for a couple 30 euros/year. The fee for lifetime permanent membership is 300 euros. You can join by sending your contact information by email to info(at)suomiintiaseura.fi.

If you wish to actively engage as a volunteer in the society, to plan cultural events and organise various events, please contact the board members by e-mail: info(at)suomiintiaseura.fi

We warmly welcome you to join the society’s activities!

Please provide your details below.

Sukunimi, Etunimi / Last Name, First name