Finnish-India-Society continues to arrange different events for our members and society. Close co-operation has been maintained with other prominent associations and societies around Finland and Embassy of India by participating in their events or jointly organising relevant events.
celebrating 75 years
Join us to celebrate Indian culture in Finland as Suomi-Intia-Seura is celebrating its 75th anniversary!
Suomi-Intia-Seura Ry (The Finnish Indian Society) established in 1949, is a non-profit, friendship association that acts as a community of people interested in India, Indian culture and it promotes social interaction between Finns and Indians living in Finland.
Society aim is to promote the knowledge of Indian culture in Finland, and to strengthen cultural exchange and development co-operation between the countries. It also arranges different kinds of activities related to India and Indian culture, including seminars, lectures, courses and various events.
This year marks a very special occasion, as Suomi-Intia-Seura Ry is celebrating its 75th anniversary. This event is a Joyful celebration of Indian culture ,75 years of our society and friendship between 2 countries. It gives us an immense pleasure to invite you to join us as we celebrate this momentous occasion including Indian dance, food and music.
Saturday 28th September 2024
Performers announced later.
13:00 to 14:30 Open event for neighborhood
16:00 to 19:30 by invitation only+ some open registration
Free admission, Welcome!
Please click here to read more about the event
Diwali – Festival of Lights
This year Diwali – The Festival of Lights is a full day celebration in Espoo. The program will be full of cultural performances, games, workshops, Diwali bazaar, Food stalls with delicious Indian food/delicacies, henna tatto, a fire show and a concert by Dhaod Gypsies of Rajasthan.
Join us with family and friends in celebrating Diwali-the Festival of Lights and let’s explore Indian culture together and make memories.
Diwali – Festival of lights this year will take place primarily around Sello area in 4 venues. The program schedule is as below:…/sellosali-diwali-valon-juhla…/